Best Holiday Season Commercials

Ah yes, the holiday season: the time we look forward to all year. As far as we’re concerned, the other 11 months don’t even exist. And, in AdClub, what’s our favorite part of the holidays? The seasonal commercials of course!

Every year, our screens fill with holiday spirit. Whether that’s in ads new or old, they play a big role in getting us excited for the joys of winter. So, today, we’re going to take a look at our top three holiday season commercials!

Without further ado, enjoy!

Hershey’s Chocolate ‘Christmas Bells’ (1989, 2020)

There’s a good chance you already know this one. Hershey’s Christmas Bells commercial is basically synonymous with the holiday season. In this commercial, Hershey’s chocolate kisses take the form of Christmas bells to play the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” The advertisement first debuted in 1989 and was reworked in 2020.

So why does this commercial work so well? It’s simple and memorable! In only 15 seconds, Hershey’s is able to capture your attention and hold it. What’s more, Hershey’s relies on its product recognition. They know they don’t have to say anything for you to know what the ad is for.

Campbell’s Chicken Soup ‘Snowman’ (1998)

If you grew up in the late ‘90s or early ‘00s, there’s a good chance this will ring a bell. In' ‘Snowman', Campbell’s Chicken Soup helps a boy melt away the cold and transform back from a snowman. Throughout the spot, we hear the iconic, jazzy recording “Let It Snow.”

Why does this ad work? It’s a creative take on solid strategy. What’s better on a cold day than a bowl of soup? By expanding on this messaging to the creative idea of a cold snowman warming up, Campbell’s makes this spot entertaining and imaginative.

John Lewis ‘The Beginner’ (2022)

Finally, to round out this list, we have the star of this season’s holiday ads: John Lewis’ ‘The Beginner’ spot. For those who don’t know, John Lewis is a popular UK department store. One of their major social campaigns is their ongoing promotion and investment in the care system.

In this commercial, a middle aged man learns to ride a skateboard during the Christmas season. At the end, it is revealed he was learning as a way to bond with his arriving foster child. 

So what makes this commercial so good? It’s emotionally touching. If there’s anything about the holiday season, people love to shed a good tear. This is a beautifully told story that embraces love and goodness, another hallmark of the holidays. Even more, it's for a great cause.

Lindsey Polevoy


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